VENCLYXTO® offers patients with CLL a chance to
BREAK FREE with longer progression-free survival1*†
NOW APPROVED in 1L CLL: VENCLYXTO + obinutuzumab
NOW APPROVED in 1L CLL: VENCLYXTO + obinutuzumab
In 2L+ CLL:
VENCLYXTO + rituximab
*Reduced risk of progression or death vs O+Clb (HR=0.35; 95% CI: 0.23–0.53 [P<0.0001]). Median follow‑up of 28 months. Median PFS not reached in either arm.
†Reduced risk of progression or death vs BR (HR=0.17; 95% CI: 0.11–0.25 [P<0.0001]). Median follow‑up of 23.8 months. Median PFS not reached with VEN+R vs 17 months (15.5–21.6) with BR.
Instructions for taking VENCLYXTO1
When administering VENCLYXTO, advise patients as follows:
In case of a missed dose, advise patients as follows:
CLL=chronic lymphocytic leukemia; 1L=first line; 2L+=second line + later lines of therapy; O+Clb=obinutuzumab + chlorambucil; HR=hazard ratio; CI=confidence interval; PFS=progression-free survival; BR=bendamustine + rituximab; VEN+R=VENCLYXTO + rituximab; TLS=tumor lysis syndrome.
[Placeholder for safety balance required by local regulations]
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Reference: 1. VENCLYXTO Summary of Product Characteristics. Ludwigshafen, Germany: AbbVie Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG. <Current SmPC.>
GR-VNCCLL-200048 -JAN2021